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Weekend and Daylong Retreat with Denise Barclay
October 8, 2021 @ 4:30 pm - October 10, 2021 @ 12:00 pm
Weekend/Daylong Retreat description:
This revised format for the October retreat was inspired by my love of Camp Galilee and Lake Tahoe, as well as the current COVID conditions in order to follow guidelines recommended by local governments and health care officials to minimize the spread of the disease. A special thanks to Renate’ for her development of the protocol for the August Residential Retreat where some of these ideas came from.
Daylong Retreat Participants: Joining the 10 Weekend Retreat participants will be an additional 30 Daylong participants welcomed on Saturday, arriving between 9:30 and 10 am and ending between 4:45 and 5:15 pm depending on if and how long you wish to socialize. The hard departure time for Daylong Participants will be 5:15pm.
There will be a total of four pods with a maximum of 10 participants each and will be led by a DZIMC Community Dharma Leader or Lay Leader. Each activity – kayaking, archery, art project and gentle movement/sitting meditation – is accompanied by a Dharma teaching and instructions on Mindfulness. As is customary, we will be gathered in silence with the exception of some time at the end 4:45-5:15 for socializing safely. You must pre-register for the Daylong since we are limited to 30 participants and a delicious Camp Galilee lunch is included!
To register for the Daylong please contact: jazz@dharmazephyr.org Registration must be made by 10/01/2021 so we can plan and get the count for the amazing lunch!
All donations from the Daylong will go to support Camp Galilee during these uncertain and difficult times. We are so fortunate to have such a beautiful space that is so close to hold our retreats at each year. Even if you are unable to attend you can go online and make a donation to support the health and well being of this amazing place that also brings the experience of nature and the values we hold dear to lots of children each summer.
Weekend Retreat Participants: Will arrive on Friday afternoon, each will have their own private room, and the retreat will finish on Sunday around 11:30am. The major difference from past retreats will be the schedule and activities on Saturday. The 10 participants will make up one of the four pods led by Denise, and will stay together for the activities during the Daylong.
The Weekend Retreat will vary from past years in order to ensure the safety of the participants and minimize the numbers in our gatherings and will still include the usual elements of silence, movement and stillness, introspection and self-expression at beautiful Camp Galilee! As always we will weave the four foundations of mindfulness into all activities including gentle yoga, QiGong, nervous system practices, walking and sitting meditations, art, kayaking and archery.
Cost: Weekend Participants: $220-$320 sliding scale There is a limit of 10 spaces. Since everyone will be having a single room now, there will be a sliding scale for room and board of $220-$320 that covers food and lodging only, with an opportunity to give Dana to Denise at the end of the retreat. All room and board goes directly to Camp Galilee. Since this is a change from what you originally signed on for regarding payment for the retreat as a whole, you will be receiving an email laying out your options if you would like to revise the amount you have paid already (more or less), or opt out of the retreat all together, or wish to attend the Daylong portion only.
A minimum $110 deposit is required to secure your spot. The remaining balance is due by 9-08-2021. The Teacher is supported in her work by Dana (donation) for this retreat and her livelihood is completely sustained by the generosity of the communities she serves. Dana (donation) for these priceless teachings will be gratefully accepted by the teacher and staff, giving participants the opportunity to freely engage in the practice of generosity, the first step toward freedom.
Weekend Registration is Full. If you want to be added to the waitlist please contact Jazz at jazz@dharmazephyr.org
Refunds: There will be a full refund if the participant has to cancel due to COVID infection or suspected infection or cancellation received by 09-08-2021. After 09-8-2021 for non-COVID reasons the refund amount is minus $60. After 09-24-2021 no refund is given for non-COVID reasons.
COVID Policy: To attend this retreat DZIMC requires that you be fully vaccinated against Covid-19. Additionally, the retreat will be held following the CDC and Douglas County, Nevada guidelines in place at the time the retreat begins. We will be updating you on the current guidelines. We are very aware of the situation and are following it very closely. You will all have your own room.
If you have any questions please contact Jasmine Gouveia: jazz@dharmazephyr.org
If you are donating to Camp Galilee please note that on your donation. Make sure if you want to attend, as well as donate, you register with Jazz!
We encourage online payment for this retreat, however, if sending a check, please make it out to DZIMC and note “Denise’s Retreat”. Send it to:
DZIMC – Retreat Registrar
1800 Wren St.
Reno, NV 89509
Make your final payment using the donate button below by 09/08/21
Denise Barclay began teaching Yoga in 1998, has been practicing Vipassana Meditation since 1995 and in May of 2012 completed the Mindfulness Yoga and Meditation Teacher Training with Phillip Moffitt and Anne Cushman through Spirit Rock Meditation Center. Because of her commitment to teaching mindfulness, movement and meditation classes, daylong and weekend retreats; her extensive retreat experience; as well as being a student of Heather Sundberg since 2013 and in Heather’s Committed Students Program for the last several years, she has been named a Lay Leader for Dharma Zephyr Insight Meditation Community.
She is a wife and mother and brings her other two loves, the philosophy of Buddha Dharma and Yoga, to her over 20 years of teaching. In addition, what she brings as a Reiki Practitioner and Mindfulness Coach is her own personal experience of over 30 years in self-exploration, healing and mindfulness.