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Two Daylongs with Heather Sundberg
October 17, 2015 @ 3:00 am - 10:00 am
“The Transformative Power of Awareness”
How do I develop a momentum of ‘awareness’ in my practice?
What are skillful ways of hitting the ‘pause’ button when I am saying or doing something unhelpful?
How do I transform regret, work with forgiveness, and develop new intention in my life?
At this daylong we will deeply explore awareness and allow awareness to inform and transform our thoughts, words, and actions. We will dive into a conversation between the Buddha and his son, Rahula, to discover ancient tools on how to be skillful in the midst of complex lives. We will practice with the themes of intention, wise effort, and forgiveness.
Enjoy two days of quiet sitting and walking meditation, which allow our minds to settle down and our hearts to open to an inner wisdom. In addition to insight meditation practice, Heather will guide inquiry practice and forgiveness practice, offer teachings and simple movement practices and facilitate discussion about how to live these teachings in our daily lives.
Heather Sundberg began teaching meditation in 1999. She has completed the four year Spirit Rock/Insight Meditation Society Training. Beginning her own meditation practice in her late teens, for twenty years + Heather has studied with senior teachers in the Thai Forest Tradition, Insight Meditation and Tibetan traditions, and has 1-3 months of retreat a year for the last fifteen + years. She is a teacher for Mountain Stream Meditation Center in the Sierra Foothills and teaches classes, daylong and retreats nationally, especially at Spirit Rock Meditation Center. For more, visit www.heathersundberg.com