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Kamala Masters non residential retreat: Day One
February 20, 2016 @ 2:00 am - 9:00 am
FreeThere will be a pot luck dinner following the Saturday retreat. All are welcome. Bring a dish to share. Location in Carson City to be announced at the retreat
“Integrating Love and Wisdom in our Spiritual Practice”
Compassion and wisdom are two wings of the Dhamma, and they are mutually supporting of one another. If not for compassion, we would not be able to open to and experience the wisdom of the Four Noble Truths in a profound way. Experiencing this wisdom opens us to more compassion, which in turn continues to deepen our understanding of the Dhamma. The integration and balancing of compassion and wisdom helps us navigate life in a way that can bring more peace to our lives.
The retreat schedule will include periods of sitting meditation and stillness in the Dharma Hall, interspersed with walking meditation. The retreat will be held in Noble Silence, and will include complete meditation instructions, Dharma talks, Q&A, and group meditation practice discussions. This retreat is suitable for both beginning and experienced meditators.
Kamala Masters began practicing in 1975. Trained by Anagarika Munindra and Sayadaw U Pandita, and continuing her practice with U Tejaniya, she offers the Dharma in the US and abroad in a way that nourishes the natural inner growth of compassion and wisdom. She is co-founder of Vipassana Metta on Maui, as well as a Guiding Teacher and member of the Board of Directors of Insight Meditation Society in Barre, MA.
In the tradition of the Buddha these teachings are offered freely, there will be an opportunity to offerdana/donations to Kamala and to DZIMC during the retreat