Hooked and unhooked – Buddhist approaches to greed and aversion
This summer Dharma Zephyr’s Beginners Mind group is going to consider “the hook” – that moment we all experience of grasping, tensing, tightening, and closing down. What are our hooks? An annoying coworker? Our partner’s behavior? Political views? Shopping? Finances? We’ll look at wise and unwise approaches to the hook,…
Report from Nepal: a child safe place
Here is a report from one of the Nepal nonprofts mentioned in the previous post Healing Earthquake Anxiety By Cathy Clifton – Communications Director, Ama Foundation One of the most difficult things about living after two giant earthquakes – the one on April 25 and the 7.3 “aftershock” that occurred…
Nepal earthquake – what to do?
Dharma Zephyr’s new “Mentor Council”
On March 1 sixteen longtime Dharma Zephyr members met at Christy’s house to talk about how to better offer dharma teachings to our community. Lots of ideas emerged from the meeting: adding meditation to existing yoga practices; continuing to develop earth-centered practices like the Earth Care Group; continuing our prison work;…
Mindfulness and Movement: An interview with Dharma Zephyr member and yoga teacher Angela Sullivan
Buddhism, Art, Life—No Separation
Sitting with Shaila
From a Poet’s Perch
by Rita Geil . . . haiku occurring in “noble silence” during a meditation retreat on mindfulness, breath, and impermanence conducted by Marv Treiger at Lake Tahoe, August 17-22, 2014 Aware of being aware of being aware is Being, aware. Even out of sight the sun, prancing on the lake, illumines my breath. Sunlight…