Tag: vipassana
Daylong Meditation and Benefit for Vipassana Metta Foundation

The Dharma Zephyr Sangha Retreat Committee announces a change to our schedule for September 15-16. Steve Armstrong, the scheduled teacher, has been diagnosed with a brain tumor and has canceled his autumn schedule while receiving treatment. (See the Caring Bridge website https://www.caringbridge.org/visit/stevenkarmstrong for further information and updates on Steve’s treatment.)…
5-Night Residential Retreat with John Travis at Lake Tahoe
“Dancing towards open awareness” This retreat is based on the fundamental principles of practice. First – is the discipline to stop and collect ourselves – the principles of concentration. Second – the ability and repetition of seeing into the simple functions of the heart and mind. Seeing how we live…
Integrating Insights into Our Daily Lives: A Daylong Meditation Retreat with Heather Sundberg
“OK so I had an Insight, maybe it was small, maybe it changed everything for me. Now what?” (By the way, everyone has insights!) We spend much of our spiritual lives chasing after meditative ‘experiences’, perhaps hoping for the intensity, the ‘big moments’. We often miss the simple insights, which…
Five Things Which Wake Us Up!: A Daylong Meditation Retreat with Heather Sundberg
Wise Friends – Celebrating Integrity – Hearing the Dharma (truth) – Wise Effort – Harmony with Impermanence At this daylong we will deeply explore these Five Marvelous Qualities that both ‘wake us up’ and also serve as markers of our continuing awakening on the spiritual path. Through stories, guided…
From Effort To Ease: A Daylong Meditation Retreat with John Travis
The Buddha emphasized over and over that it takes effort to follow the path of the Dharma. Yet, the ultimate result is about the nature of ease. We use effort to see into the nature of a fearful and restless Mind/Heart. Then, using the fundamentals of insight – relaxing into…
From Effort To Ease: A Daylong Meditation Retreat with John Travis
The Buddha emphasized over and over that it takes effort to follow the path of the Dharma. Yet, the ultimate result is about the nature of ease. We use effort to see into the nature of a fearful and restless Mind/Heart. Then, using the fundamentals of insight – relaxing into…
3-Night Residential Retreat with Amita Schmidt & Kathy Schwerin at Lake Tahoe: “The Connected Heart”
Meditation & Movement Retreat Is Full
Daylong Meditation Retreat with Kathy Schwerin & Christy Tews: “Retreat from the Holidays”
Offer Yourself a Day of Silence! Return to your body, relax, and breath. Community dharma leaders Kathy Schwerin and Christy Tews will offer techniques to use throughout the year to center, calm, and ground yourself. The day will be in silence except for instructions in sitting and walking meditation; dharma…